


All our AI video editing and audio enhancement tools with no time limitations. Unlimited projects with unrestricted web traffic, no size limits!

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Everything in Business plan
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Unlimited video/audio projects
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No filesize or traffic limit
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3,000 credits per month

Choose your plan duration

Most of our users choose the Quarterly plan. The Annual plan provides even further savings, while the Monthly plan is designed for more flexibility.

$ 249.00 USD
per month, billed at
$ 2,999.00 USD

Is this the right OneTake plan for me?

The Premium Plan is ideal for fast-growing businesses or prolific content creators who demand unlimited possibilities.

This package is beneficial if your video content often exceeds two hours in length, or if you tend to juggle multiple projects simultaneously.

With no limits on hosting and traffic, you can reach out to a greater audience with the assurance of optimal video quality.

The grant of 3,000 monthly credits gives you extra ability to edit and improve your content.

However, if your business regularly interacts with a multilingual audience, you might want to look into the International Plan.

Should I consider a higher plan instead?

The Premium Plan provides plenty of scope for extensive video content creation.

However, if you're reaching out to international viewers and need translation capabilities to cater to non-English speaking audiences, you may want to consider the International Plan.

This is also recommended if you have substantial requirements for monthly credits - while the Premium offers 3,000, the International Plan ups the ante with 5,000 credits.

Choose your plan duration

Most of our users choose the Quarterly plan. The Annual plan provides even further savings, while the Monthly plan is designed for more flexibility.

$ 249.00 USD
per month, billed at
$ 2,999.00 USD